Day 57 Silistra


Day 57 Silistra Bulgaria Sun May 29th. Shared at the Christian Protestant Church Sunday morning then drove back to Bucharest Romania in the afternoon, via ferry across the murky Danube and the usual border checkpoint. Arrived at 4 for a 4.30pm sound check (6pm concert) so felt relaxed and ahead of schedule. At 4.30pm sent a txt to my contact, no reply. Called, no reply. By 5pm I made the conscious choice not to get upset and went into prayer mode. At 5.30pm contact arrives, but.. no church key. Calls Rex the retired ‘relief priest’ who had a senior moment, the concert slipped his mind (he is 83yrs old..) So, Rex arrives at 5.45 but wait there’s more.. he arrives without the key!  So, another 20min wait for him to go back home and get the key. Just 6 people turn up for the concert, and I sing my best but find myself wishing (a) I had a higher profile to attract more people, or (b) a publicity machine that could attract more people.  At least someone offers me a bed for the night in central Bucharest. The pic is from my walk early Mon morning. I call the pic: Three Vapour Trails, a Dissertation on the Trinity, the Mystery of the Patient Godhead.

2 thoughts on “Day 57 Silistra”

  1. Sounds like a wonderful adventure. Perhaps God was testing you to see how you would respond in a situation where most people would react with stress, you approached it by trusting God, and by praying, and in return God gave you favour. You never know – you may have blessed one of those six people that did attend the concert. God bless!


    1. I guess most of us face trials of one sort or another every day. Each one an opportunity to see the Bigger Picture, and trust that God is in control. This was a minor trial for me, but I thought at the time: Well, if nothing else, this might make an interesting blog post..

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